When you are lazy

When you are lazy
When you are lazy, you cannot help it. When you are tired, that is your own fault.GM

Jan, 16 2012     84 chars (1 sms)     778 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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It takes several yrs for a seed to become a tree.A flower takes months to blossom.So hav patience for any beautiful thing to happen in life.GM
"The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems,but those who find happiness in problems and learn to live with things
Cockacoladuuuuuu, Refreshed and newwwwwwwwwwww, skies are bluuuuuuuuuuuu, Goodmorning to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
D wrong kind of ppl hate u 4gud in u & right kind of ppl love u aftr knowing even d bad in u.Dat makes perfect definition of relation...!!GM
Thought for a lifetime - If you wait to be happy you will wait forever. But if you start to be happy you will be happy forever.... Good Morning .
Keep the smile, leave the tear,Think of joy, forget the fear...Hold the laugh, leave the pain,Be joyous dear till we meet again..GM
Quote for the day:Whether a glass is half full or half empty depends on the attitude of the person looking at it.GM
" Life is like a flowing river of opportunities "Its upto you to stand up with a bucket or spoon.Good Morning.
Be big enough to admit mistakes, Smart enough to profit from them & strong enough to correct them"! Have a Great Morning
Arguing with a boy is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Aftre some time,u realize that u r getting dirty,but the pig is actualy enjoyng!
Any one who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep ur mind young..GD MRNG
Who help U, Don’t forget them! -Who like U, Don’t hate them! -Who has hope on U, Don’t leave them! -Who trust U, Don’t cheat them!GM