Its time when

Its time when
Its time when people you love should know that you love them Its time when people you miss should know that you miss them that is why i keep on saying i love and miss you all the time.

Jan, 18 2012     184 chars (2 sms)     765 views       Love

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wen u feel cold and warm at da same time wen u read ova da same line for the 10th time wen ur heart and thoughts sum hw appear to rhyme n wen a simple name conquers ur whole mind den ur in love
even if £oVe is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a rose that's worth all the pain.
My love is like a rose divided into two, the leaves i give 2 others, but the rose i give 2 u.
No one is too young for love, because love doesn't come from your mind, which knows your age, but from your heart, which knows no age.
Another month, another year, another smile, another tear, another winter, another summer too but there will never be another you!
Luv the heart that hurts you. Dont hurt the heart that luvs you . For the world you are someone .For someone you are the world.
I love all the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the ones in your eyes!
Never look 4 beauty it vl fade away 1day,never look 4 good skin it vl grow old 1day,but always look 4loyal heart which vl miss u everyday
Luving has 2 phases. 1st Luving the person bcoz of who he/she is, 2nd Loving the person despite who he/she is not, the 1st sparks luV, the 2nd maks it Last.
Never judge someone by who he's in love with; judge him by his friends. People fall in love with the most appalling people. Take a cool appraising glance at his pals.
if we lose love`we lose it`4 a rison.`dat reason`may b hard`2 undrstnd`bt watevr`it is`we jz`hav 2 blieve`dat God takes away`whn He has`somethin beter`to giv
its always better 2 have found d courage 2 love even if u lose it in the end rather than never finding love because you were too afraid to face its challenge