Hmari DOSTIkoi

Hmari DOSTIkoi
Hmari DOSTIkoi SARDI BHUKHAR naijo aakar2-4dino mechali jaayeYeh toHIV-AIDSki tarah haijo ek baarho jaaye tomaut k saath hi khatam hok jaaye

Jan, 13 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     830 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

No sweet thought to forward, no cute graphics to send, just a..caring heart saying.... Take Care always my dear friend
Anyone can make u smile and,anyone can make u cry, but it takes a special person to make you smile with tears in your eyes.... A FRIEND ONLY
0ur Friendship is Like Playing on See-SawNot only Because Its Always Fun With YouBut Also Because I Wouldn't MindGoing Down 2 See You Rising !!!
Without any'PARTICULAR RELATION'We love ourFRIENDS a lot..Do u know why?bcozthey are related with'HEART to HEART'..
Being visible isn't always a requirment 4 being close, it just takes some thoughtful gesture and concern 2 capture d HEART of a FRND.
We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can sum up our relationship in those three words: You are Lucky.
All my life, I've been looking for something to satisfy and make me happy. You know it's right when they say that happiness can be found in the simplest things, and I found it in 7 letters. "FRIENDS"
Friends are amazing when they are new. They are wonderful when they are true. But do you know, they are a Blessing when they r like u
what is real but invisible?-ur care. what is true but unfair?-ur absence. what is sweet but naughty?-ur smile. what is precious bur pricelss?-our friendship.
Usually I send SMS to people who are very dear, very close or very special. But in your case, I am making an exception coz you are all three!!!
Thank you for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like you a precious gift from God.
Do u no da purpose of life?God sent us to find such friends,that even if we find them in hell they say:"chal yaar yamraj ki lete hain karri karke".