Weve gone our

Weve gone our
Weve gone our own way, our lives grew apart, & weve made a life wiv another, but despite of how far apart we grew, 2 me there still is no other!

Jan, 19 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     714 views       Love

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Love can make you happy`but oftentimes it hurts;`but love is only special`when you give it to whom it's worth.
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules.. Then you must forget the rules and play from your heart
I luv U 'til the day i die, I luv U'til i break down n cry' I love U and i'll make you see that noone will ever love U' more than ME
I LOVE U" r 3 words,It take 3 sec.to read, 3 min.to think,3 hrs 2 understand,3 days 2 demonstrate,3 weeks 2 explain,& WHOLE LIFE 2 PROVE IT..
Love is an illusion..It's a highly dependency disorder of weak hearted people...People with strong hearts belive in flirting..
I think maybe forever is what you make of it. Tomorrow may be the end of your forever. I think we should be more careful how we use it.
Lov is wat can b felt not told... It can b given not sold.. It cums wen u least expect it ... N leaves u wen u most need it.. Ultimate truth…
i dont want 2 live anoder day if u're no longer der, 4 in dis lyf only u can inspyr me 2 c d nxt sunrys, only u can motiv8 me 2 apprec8 d colors of lyf dat no one else can.
When U love someone truly, U don’t look for faults, U don’t look for answers, U don’t look for mistakes. Instead, U fight the mistakes, U accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
Sweet heart! If a MAGIC HUG could say how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever. I LOVE YOU
When i found u,`i found the closest thing to heaven,`next to u`i found the deepest love i knew,`i believe this is true,`i found myself``wen i found you!!!
If i could be an angel, i would make ur every wish come true. But im only human, just a girl who's lovin u!!!