Log milte hai

Log milte hai
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Jan, 13 2012     108 chars (1 sms)     808 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Met U as a stranger, Took U as a friend, Hope we meet in heaven where friendship never ends
Dear Customer, We would like to inform you that your true friend Mr/Mrs______is missing u a lot. Thank you. Sender: Helpline
When God opened the window of the Heaven He asked me: What is your wish for today? “I said : please take special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!”
like a fallen star u fel into my life.u made me smile wen thingz werent rite..if hugz were water id send u the c.n sail away 4eva jus u n me.
Frndship isn't abt-it's ur faultbut it's abouti'm sorryIt's not abt-where r ubut it's abouti m here 4u.Its nt abt-hw cud ubut itz abtI undrstnd..
Any1 can make a mistake tat's y pencils have erasers.No1 can walk alone,tat's y d shadows move along.No1 can b alone,tat's y Frndz r along...!
Deep valleys, covered rocks, 3 little words, Forget Me Not.
True Fship is like playing on see-saw Not bcoz its always fun being wit each othr. Bt also bcoz some1 wont mind going down 2 c another1 rising up!
someone wrote on the door"please do not enter i am upset" friends came in smiling and said:sorry we are illitrates.
Zindgi zakhmo se bhari h, waqt ko marhum banana sikh rahe h,harna to h hi mout ke aage,filhal zindagi se jeetna sikh rahe h
A 5 year old boy asked his friend. What is friendship? He replied: Friendship is when you rob my chocolate every day from my bag. I still keep it in same place.
Life is like Chemistry: DILUTE ur sorrows. EVAPORATE ur worries. FILTER ur happiness. And u will find CRYSTALS of love and friendship....... I found u!!!