SMS Messages674 messages

Evry sunset give us 1 day less 2 live,bt evry sunrise give us,1 day more 2 hope!So,get up & hope 4 the best.Gud Day & Gud Luck
Appreciate life itself even if it's not a bed of roses. Contentment is not fulfillment of what u wish 4 but appreciation of what u have. Gud morning.
Get up!Get up!GOD is waiting for u 2 give a gift of 24 GOLDEN HOURSwhatever u want,do it successfullyGud things will follow u.A very GuD MORNING
4a nice frnd nice morng 4a sweet frnd sweet morning 4a loving frnd lovly morning 4good frnd GOOD MORNING.
What V have 4 ourslves dies with us but what V hav done 4 othrs remains 4ever V make a LIVING by what V get but V make a LIFE by what V Give.GD MRNG
:Every new day is a new chapter of life,bringing new topics,new moments 4 life. I wish today gud momentsapproach to make ur life joyful.. Good morning
LIFE MeansL: LoveI: IncidentsF: FriendsE: EmotionsIf F miss in lifeden LIFE Becomes "LIE"So Don't 4get "Friends"Goooooooooodmorning
Tin tin tin tin tin8 msgs recivd1Helo2Hw r u3Wht ru doing4Dnt frget me5I miss u6Bye7God bless u8Remmbr me in ur prayrs always.GD MRNG
friend gives support,a good friend gives protection,a best friend gives life.But a real friend gives full of his care and affection.Good morning. Gud day 4--
life spent with sumone 4 a lifetime maybe meaningless but few moments spent with sumone who realy likes u is morethan life itself..good morning.have a nice day
Dont waste time 4 nwanted things,thoughts etc.Take time 4 better ones.It will lead u 2 success.'TIME IS PRECIOUS,LIFE IS SHORT'Be always happy..gud mrng
Anything in life happens 4 a reason n everythin tht happens is only 4 d good.Trust in these words u will start lovin evrythngood morning