SMS Messages412 messages

:Its easy to convince one who is in anger but its not easy to compromise one who is disappointed.. Never disappoint a person who cares about u..GD MRNG
The heart of a fool is in his mouth but the mouth of wiseman is in the heart,so listen to your heart and then speak!Be tough in action not in speech.GD MRNG
A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
Success is measured not so much by the height that one has achieved in the life but by the difficulties that one has overcome while achieving success..Gudmrng
'G'od 'O'ffers U His 'O'utstanding 'D'evotion to 'M'ake U 'O'bedient& 'R'eady for a 'N'ew Day to 'I'nitiate 'N'ew Aim for d 'G'lory of Life! Gud mrng
Worst thng in life is ''ATTACHMENT'' it hurts wen u lose it Best thng in life is ''LONELINESS'' it teaches u evrythng & wen u lose it,u get evrythng.GD MRNG
Everyday is specialif u THINK so,Evry moment is memorableif you FEEL so,Every1 is unique if u SEE so,Life is wonderful if u live so.GD MRNG
Even a correct decision is wrong when it's taken too late.Vision without action is a day dream.Action without vision is a night mare.JUST THINK.GD MRNG
Some relations never demand personal presence,it's the confidence in the relation which makes u aware that when needed the person would be with U..Gud mrng.
In life opportunities will never lost,somebody will take it when u miss them.."If u think u can, u can.But if u think u can't u r right"...GUd Mrng
Tin tin tin tin tin8 msgs recivd1Helo2Hw r u3Wht ru doing4Dnt frget me5I miss u6Bye7God bless u8Remmbr me in ur prayrs always.GD MRNG
Golden thought. - expectin much from whom u feel ur own is not a mistake provided d one from whom u expect also thinks u as der own.GD MRNG