SMS Messages265 messages

At childhood we cry loudly to get what we like.. When we grow up we cry silently to Forget what we like .Thats life.. Good Night
I may be far 4 a min, 4 a hr, 4 a day, 4 a month, but I’l always b there 4 u. I may not be able to always say good morning, good evening, good night, but, I’ll never say Gud Bye…
As the night turns in2 day, keeps ur worries out of sight! No matter how tough the world may seem, U still deserve the “SWEETEST’ day! Have a great day.
()"""""() ( ,"0")"") Hi!! ("")("") Wishing u................ G Morning O Afternoon O Evening D Night hey, 4 in 1 SMS pack - Sasta padta hai yaar..................... """""""""""""
New Concept of Life Morning = MANDIR Evening = M_A_D_I_R_A Night = M_A_N_D_I_R_A
Sorry to disturb U at this time of the night, If U are awake & free, could U please do me a favour, Please delete this message & sleep! Good night !
In Eng: GOOD NIGHT In desi: SHUBH RATRI In urdu: SHABBA KHAIR In kannad: YARA NADI In Telgu: PANDANKO PO Apun ki style:- . . . . . . . . CHAL LUDAK LE......
In the morning I do not eat because I think of you, at noon I do not eat because I think of you, in the evening I do not eat because I think of you, at night I do not sleep because I am hungry.
In a softly glowing candle light, may all ur dreams cum true. every star of every night brings luck & joy to u... WISH U N UR FAMILY A VERY HAPPY LOHRI.
If one night a big fat man jumps in at your window grabs you and puts you in a sack don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for CHRISTMAS.HAPPY CHRISTMAS
if one night you wake up and a big fat male is trying to put you in a sack please don't be afraid because i told santa all i want for christmas is you.HAPPY CHRISTMAS
A silent night, a star above, a blessed gift of hope and love. A blessed Christmas to you! Happy Holidays