Thework will teach you

Thework will teach you
Thework will teach you how to do it.

Jan, 21 2012     36 chars (1 sms)     615 views       Quotes

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You can be erudite with knowledge of others; you can be wise only with your wisdom.
Man alone contains within himself as many species as exist on earth.
Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time.
Trust exists; only lies are invented.
Silence, along with modesty, is a great aid to conversation.
Theconventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
Necessity truns lion into fox.
Embracingconflict can become a joy when we know that irritation and frustration canlead to growth and fascination.
It's notthe will to win, but the will to prepare to win that makes the difference.
A person who talks about his Inferiors han't any.
Compromise.Such an adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary thesatisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and isdeprived of nothing except what was justly his due.
Search not a wound too deep lest thou maketh a new one.