SMS Messages25 messages

A manneed never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his owndoor.
Thefire you kindle for your enemy often burns yourself more than him.
I hold it to be a proof of great prudence for men toabstain from threats and insulting words toward an enemy, for neither ...diminishes the strength of the enemy; but the one makes him more cautious,and the other increases his hatred of you and makes him
Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinksyou have.
Banta to his wife:Get married to Santa after my death. Wife:But why? He is your no. 1 enemy. Banta:This would be the best way to avenge Santa
The best gifts to give: to friend - loyalty; to enemy -forgiveness; to boss - service; to child - good example; to parents - devotion; to friends - love; to God - our lives; and to text mate - message.
"Delay" is the enemy of efficiency,"Waiting" is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don't delay anything&Don't wait for mrng
Delay is the enemy of efficiency,Waiting is the enemy of utilisation.So,Don"t delay anything&Don"t wait for mrng""
AtTiTuDe RuLeS There are Only2 people who cn Tell U d Truth About Urself,A Friend who has Lost his Temper & an Enemy Who starts Loving you.GD MRNG
A Pure HeArted Person CAn HAv Wonderful smile Tht MAkes Evn His Enemy 2 feel guility 4 being his Enemy.So CAtch d World of PeAce Wid urSmile
There are OnlyTwo people whocan Tell U the Truth About Urself..!"A Friend who has Lost his Temper and an Enemy Who starts Loving you". G'Mrng
All relationship are imagination.Frnds,Enemyboth r ur imagination.When u stop imagining completely.U bcome aloneAbsaloutly alone..GN