Man alone contains

Man alone contains
Man alone contains within himself as many species as exist on earth.

Jan, 21 2012     68 chars (1 sms)     754 views       Quotes

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We often pardon those who bore us, we cannot pardon those whom we bore.
Genius is a long impatience.
Bring ideas in and treat them royally,for one of them may be the king.
To start blindly with a statement is a sign of arrogance and narrow-mindedness,and will lead to conflict. To start blindly with a question is a sign ofuncertainty and honesty, and will lead to wisdom.
Compromise.Such an adjustment of conflicting interests as gives each adversary thesatisfaction of thinking he has got what he ought not to have, and isdeprived of nothing except what was justly his due.
There are always two forces warring against each other within us.
Adversity introduces a man to himself.
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The purpose of getting power is to be able to give itaway.
No nation is so poor that it cannot afford to gie free speech
It is in our idleness, in our dreams, that submerged truth sometimes comes to top.
Personal appearance is looking the best you can for the money.