To begin wid

To begin wid
To begin wid v might hav been strangers; but d closer v came, more v started realising dat not only luv but even friends r decided in heaven.

Jan, 12 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     820 views       Friendship

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Friendship is lyk walking on wet sand, D longer u stay D deeper u get into it.. & D moment u try to go, u leave ur Footprints...
Flowers of friendship bloom every season, clouds of friendship shower every season, whether i do/dont sms u everyday, But its true i remember u evryday.
Friendship is a golden knot which ties together, if you don’t break it you will be friend forever.
Frndship is a package of FEELING... Nobdy can make it. Nobdy can delete it. Nobdy can explain it. Real frnds can feel it...
Relationship is like a Violin, music may stop now & then, but strings are attached forever. So if u b in touch or not, u r always remembered.
Love is like a "missed call" it stops when u try 2 catch.But friendship is like a"sms",it comes and stays inside ur inbox untill u delete it.
HAPPY moments "don't forget me;" Difficult moments "trust me;" Quiet moments "call me;" Painful moments "tell me;" Free moments "MSG Me.
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
Freindship is "More clear than water", "More pure than gold", "More sweet than honey", So thanks for sharing God's beautiful gift with me..
Last night sky says to me. why u not leave ur friend because he don,t call or sms u. i replied can u leave ur moon when he not shines
Friends are gifts,not easily gained..It roots frm one's heart& involves memories that stay.Not 4 a moment, not for a day,but FOREVER..
No life without love No Answer without question... No Rain without cloud... No Friendship with out "Y" "O" "U"