GOLDEN WORDS by MARTIN LUTHER KING : If u can't fly, run. If u can't run, walk. If u can't walk, crawl.But whatever u do, keep on moving towards ur goal.BEST WISHES

Jan, 14 2012     164 chars (2 sms)     719 views       Greeting > Best Wishes

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as far as u think 'NOT NOW', succes bcum 'NEVER'… bt as soon as u think 'Y NOT NOW', success surely will bcum 'URS' …BEST WISHES
There is only one difference between Dream and Aim. Dream requires effortless sleep whereas Aim requires sleepless efforts.BEST WISHES
On the Chess-board of Life, it's Never Checkmate till you Live. So, Never Quit! There is Always a Possibilty to .BEST WISHES
Luck is Not in ur Hands.But Work is in ur Hands. Ur Work can make Luck But Luck can't make ur work.So Always Trust urself than ur Luck.BEST OF LUCK
Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes you are ahead, sometimes behind. The race is lomg and in the end its only with yourself.Best wishes
So when the road you're traveling on Seems difficult at best… Just remember I'm here praying And God will do the rest.BEST WISHES
A wish is just a wish. A resolution is just a resolution. But, goals have deadlines & are stepping stones down the path, the stair-case to your dreams. Gud luck
Dariya jitna project Nadiya jitna effort Baalti jitna estimate Dabbe jitni salary Boond jitna increment To kya khaak hoga achivement. Best of luck
Fallen flowers cannot climb back, so do not think about the past, love the present, live for the future with a beautiful and sweet smile.
Care for the one who shares with u, share with the one who knows u, know the one who MISSES u, MISS the one who WELL WISHES for u, Wish u all the Best
If the path is beautiful, Let us not ask where it leads.But if the destination is beautiful, Let us not ask how is the path.~keep walking?best wishes
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful.