When u feel

When u feel
When u feel empty, sad & all alone,just dont 4get thatthere will alwys betwo gud personswho will neverleave u"G0D" Up there,&"ME" down here.

Jan, 12 2012     140 chars (1 sms)     702 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

U r my sweet friend hona,I dont want U 2 khona,I want a place in Ur heart & amp;kona,Otherwise I will start rona.
Love is when your Friend gets Angry wid u & says, I wil Never Talk 2 u. & Later the Person Cums back 2 u just 2 Inform Im stil Angry.
My heart condition has become so critical that doctors have given me only two options.... I.C.U or U C ME
Alone i can SAY,but 2gthr v can SHOUT.Alone i can SMILE bt 2gthr v can LAUGH.Alone i can ENJOYbt 2gthr v can CELBRATE.Thats d beauty of friendship!
Friendship requires Real effort..even when one of them is Busy with their own lives..A simple Sms reminds each other that u r Not Forgotten.
The best things in life can never be kept; They must be given away. A Smile A Kiss and Love.. *Thank u all 4 great support.
To be a friendless is a pity, to be a friend it is a joy.
Thank you for touching my life in ways u may never know. my riches do not lie in material wealth but in having friends like u - a precious gift from god!
must have been born under a lucky star , to find a friend as nice as you are. I will follow the rainbow to the end , if you promise to remain my friend !!!
We are close enough to tell each other what we feel about our relationship. I can sum up our relationship in those three words: You are Lucky.
My Friendship means a little heart that never hates, a cute smile that never fades, a smooth touch that never shakes, and a strong relationship that never breaks...
Few Excellent Friends are Better than Many Good Friends & 1 Sincere Cool & Caring Friend z Müch Better than Few Excellent Friends!