So simple it is

So simple it is
So simple it is to Live. So simple it is to Love.So simple it is to Smile.So simple it is to win. But it's too difficult to be so simple.G'Mrng!

Jan, 16 2012     144 chars (1 sms)     787 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

A NeW dAy beginning Is pErHaPeS d BeSt TiMe 2 SaY It'S s0 nIcE 2 kNoW u & hErE's WiShInG oUr FrIeNdShIp CoNtInUeS 2 gRoW In eVeRy DaYz To CoMe. GuD MRNG
Conquering the mind is indeed bigger than conquering the world. One who succeeds in it is the happiest, strongest person in this world.GM
U R a frend with a heart of much u mean 2 me can never be told..U R some1 so sweet n true.. 1 in a million n thats only YOU!Good morning.
The entry of moon..,earth smiles.The entry of flowers..,bees smile.The entry of rain..,trees smile..may the entry of my msgs make ur life smile..GM
Here's 2day's weather forecast. There shall be SHOWERS of BLESSINGS all over u & a HEAVY downpour of GOD's Favour all around u. GOOD MORNING
D word 'HELLO' means, H-How are u? E-Everything alright? L-Like 2 hear from u. L-Love 2 c u soon. O-Obviously,I miss you!!... So mrng
"Whn lot's of people start 2 love u,U may get confused whom 2 love,Just tel them i hate u,Every one wil get back but not the person who loves u truly.G'Mrng
5 frogs r sitting on a wall!4 decide to jump off.How many left now??still 5.There's a lot of difference betweenDeciding & Doing Have a great day.
Wen life seems to be a journey thru a dark tunnel, just take me along... I dont promise 2 lead U to light, But I can assure U tht U are Not Alone..Good mornin
Thosands of languages around this world,but smile can beat them All.Because SMILE is the language even a baby can speak.So keep smiling.GD MRNG
EYES-expres d real feelin betr thn words! TOUCH-shows d care than any words do, but WORDS-when used proprly can catch d EYES n TOUCH d HEART.Gd mrng
A person who loves u make u realisehow wonderful the world is,but it's a frnd who makes u realize how wonderful are 2 the world.gud mrng