Best Friends r like

Best Friends r like
Best Friends r like beautiful street lamps...They may not make the distance shorter,but they light up your path & make the journey easier..Good morning..

Jan, 16 2012     153 chars (1 sms)     1071 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Every Day is special if u think so,Every moment is memorable if u feel so,Every One is unique if u see so,Life is wonderful if you LEAD so.!GM
Morning Breezem, Morning coolness, Rising sun, Humming birds, Melting dew, Along with dis "LITTLE MSG" Wishing a very "GLORIOUS Good MORNING"
Dont run ahead of God,Let Him direct ur steps.He has plans & He has time.God's clock is never early nor late.It alwys strikes on time.G'Mrng
Frndsip's a silent gift of nature,Mor old mor strong,Mor d!p mor clear,Mor clos mor warm,&Less wordsBut More Undrstnding...GMrng...
Life is not a written book. You can pick up & read It is journal waiting for you to fill its pages.GD MRNG
I can appreciate coffee without cream, nights without lights, meals without rice, burger without cheese, but never a day without greeting u. gud morning!
Good Mrng"Just For You""Must For You""First For You""Nothing To Wish""Nothing 2 Say""Always Be Happy""Its My Pray""Have A Nice Day:-)"GUD MORNING .
Effort is important. But knowing where to make an effort in ur life makes all d mrng
There is no road in the world that goes to 'Happiness'... But 'Happiness' itself is the only way which goes anywere in the world...!!!G'Mrng.
Easy to get someone who will love u, easy to get someone who will like u, easy to get someone who will care for u, but rare to get someone who will understand "YOU".GD MRNG
"Share all you have with the needy so that no one feels deprived and neglected.GD MRNG
Floating down d flow needs no effort Swimming agnst it needs effort Don't Go d Way Life Takes uTke Life d Way U Want 2 GoDare 2 b diffrnt.GD MRNG