Life is just

Life is just
Life is just like a cloud.We are moving without end.Nothing stays with us. What remains with us are memories of good times spent with our beloved ones.

Jan, 12 2012     151 chars (1 sms)     746 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

I am not a poet to write a lot, Just 3 little words, Forget Me not. Life is mad, life is short, remember me always, u will never sad.
We’ve known each other by CHANCE, became friends by CHOICE, still friends by DECISION. And when we say FRIEND FOREVER, that’s definitely a lifetime PROMISE!
"Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person because you neither have to weigh your thoughts nor measure your words
Zindgi zakhmo se bhari h, waqt ko marhum banana sikh rahe h,harna to h hi mout ke aage,filhal zindagi se jeetna sikh rahe h
Friends are of 2 types: One says"If you ever need anything, I will be there"Other says"You will never need anything as long as I'm there"
A word 2 say,A word 2 hear, Even in ur absence I feel u near..... Our relation is strong, Hope it goes long..... We'll remain friendz,Till our HEARTS go on....
Frndshp isnt abt"its ur fault"but abt 'i'm sorry" Its not abt "where r u" but abt "i'm here 4 u" Its nt abt "how cld u"bt abt"i understand"
Friends are amazing when they are new. They are wonderful when they are true. But do you know, they are a Blessing when they r like u
some thing can not be described... some moments can not be shared... some feelings can not be explained... some words can not be described... but... nothing can be hidden from a true friend
If luck is a raindrop, I wil; send u a shower. If hope is a minute, I ll send you an hour. If happiness is a leaf, I ll give you a tree. If u need a friend, u already have me.
What is a friend? She looks out for you, inspires you, laughs with you, cries with you, understands you, guides you and walks with you. That’s what a friend is.You.
Friends are the 1st who love u the most, but sometimes hurt u a lot, but then again they r the only ones who feel ur pain the most…