If U can solve

If U can solve
If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying? If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying. Gd mrng

Jan, 16 2012     121 chars (1 sms)     785 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Welcome the new morning with a “Smile on ur Face”, “Love in ur Heart”, ” Good Thoughts in ur Mind” & you will hv a wonderful day. Wish you a lovely Morning.
Sweet good morning to a sweet person who passed sweet night to saw sweet dreams now wants to pass the sweet day with sweet talks. Always keep smilling Gud mrng
As the sky breaks into a beautiful Sunrise ...may GOD open the window of heaven to shower U lots of blessings...Good Morning...
Life is like a coin.Pleasure & pain r d two sides.Only 1 side is visible at a time.But remember other side is also waiting 4 its turn.GM
Sum Ppl Think That BLACK Color As Sentimentaly Bad, But They 4get 2 Know About "Every Black Board Makes Bright Students"GM
To be happy, don’t do whatever you like – like whatever you do. Happiness comes not from having much to live ON, but having much to live FOR..gd mrng
Nevr get discouraged, bcoz nothng gr8 is ever achieved without patience&hope.Remembr,It is often d last key in d bunch dat opens d door.GM
A Pure HeArted Person CAn HAv Wonderful smile Tht MAkes Evn His Enemy 2 feel guility 4 being his Enemy.So CAtch d World of PeAce Wid urSmile
.''Be willing to accept a temporary pain for a permanent happiness '' Good m0rning....
Attention Please!Passengers In Sweet Dream Airlines R Requested To Open Their Eyes,The Flight Is Landing At Beautiful Day! "GOOD MORNING"
Nice people are the best part of our memories, that time can never erase and when l am blessed with people like you, my memories are always worth treasuring.GD MRNG
The more u count ur blessings, the more blessings u will have, to count! I always do, and I count u as the nicest blessing! God Bless u each day Good Morning! Have a nice day!