Every morning, leave

Every morning, leave
Every morning, leave your worries outside your gate, coz that's where they pick up the garbage! Have a worry free day!

Jan, 16 2012     118 chars (1 sms)     724 views       Greeting > Good Morning

more Good Morning SMS Messages

Waves r always our inspiration ,not bcoz of they look beautiful... But whenever they go down they come up with a greater speed.... G'Mrng!
Smile is theLighting systemof the Face.Cooling systemof Heart. Charging systemof Mind.Pain or pleasure, maintain a smileSo keep on smiling.Gud morning.
We never have what we like, we never like what we have, still we live, love and hope that some day we will get what we love or love what we have. That"s Life...Good Morning"
Your journey will be much lighter and easier if you don’t carry your past with you. good morning.
It is a simple mind touching interactive long lasting effect which wins the hearts.. yes..its your sweet smile so keep smiling always, good morning
Success will NEVER lower it's standard to accommodate us.We HAVE TO raise our standard to achieve it "FOR EVERY BIRD, GOD PROVIDES FOOD BUT NOT IN ITS NEST!GM
The wrong kind of people dislike u for the gud in u & the right kind of people luv 4 knwing even d bad in U.Dat maks a perfct relation.GM
Above the dark horizon soon new light rays will appear. They signify to all the world a fresh new day is here Good Morning!
Drop of water falls on lake, it loses identity.If falls on lotus, it shines,If on shell,it becomes pearl. Drop is same but Company matters! Gudmring..
Wen Time is Fast. Wen Moments r Hard. Wen Evry1 is Busy. Wen Seconds r Few. My MESSAGE Says That I m still Remembering U. GooD MorninG!
life......a 4 lettres word which mean LOVE IS FOR EVERYONE.gd mrng
Dreams are god's way of showing what we can achieve. And he wakes us up every morning to give us a chance to achieve it. So do your best!