Laugh like you

Laugh like you
Laugh like you have never cried, play like you have never lost, love like you have never been hurt & live like there is no mrng

Jan, 16 2012     139 chars (1 sms)     975 views       Greeting > Good Morning

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Man's Rise or Fall,Success R Failure, Happiness R Unhappiness Depends on his Attitudea man's Attitude will Create D Situation he Imagine.Gud morning…
"If you focus on results you will never change if you focus on change you will get results."Have a Great Day
Doctor implants New Ear 2 a man Man: "U fraud,U gave me a woman's ear" Doc: It makes no difference Man: "It does,Now I hear everything but understand nothing"
Weekly 1 Day Holiday,Monthly 1 Day Salary Day,Yearly 1 Day Birthday,Lifely 1 Day Death Day,But Sharing Ur Frindship is Every Day.G'Mrng!
Friends r like crayonsthey colour our livesi may not b ur favourite colorbt hope u ll need me sumwhr to complete ur picture..!G'mrng
A""Rose Say""I LOVE YOU""A""Smile Say""I LIKE YOU""A""Ring Say""I MARRY YOU"""BUT""My Small S.M.S""Say""I Cant Forget u."good morning
"24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day"!! "7 sweet days make 1 sweet week"!! "4 sweet week make 1 sweet month"!! but... "1 sweet person like u makes the life sweet! GOOD MORNING
When earthly help s no avail, there s 1 fren who wil never fail. Just lift ur eyes, d answer s there. For nobody knows d power of prayer. Have a worry free day.
The Loser says "Its Possible but its Difficult". The Winner says "Its Difficult but its Possible". Always Think like Winner. Have a NICE DAY
Beautiful Pictures r Devolped from Negatives in a Dark Room. So, if U see Darkness in ur Life b sure that God is making a Beautiful Picture 4 U!. gd mrng
When u belive someone deeply. Misundrstnding arises, but dont feel 4 it bcoz Some Misunderstnding is needed 4 gud Understanding.Gud mrng
Evry sunset give us 1 day less 2 live,bt evry sunrise give us,1 day more 2 hope!So,get up & hope 4 the best.Gud Day & Gud Luck