I sent my

I sent my
I sent my cares 2 the wind and ask the wind 2 pass them 2 u,when u feel the wind blowing against ur face thats me saying take care of urself.

Jan, 13 2012     141 chars (1 sms)     685 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

In ThE c0oKiE oF LiFe, FriEnDs ArE tHe ChOcOLaTe ChiPs ThAt MaKe LiFe SwEeT, sUrPriSiNg & YuMmY... tHaNkS fOr BeiNg ThE YuMmY cHoCO cHiP oF mY LIFE !
One Rose Xclusivly 4 a nice person like u frm an ever nice person like me. Keep d Rose until it dry, keep my Frndship until i die.
Girlfriend is Hot Water.Lover is Mineral Water.Wife is Corporation Water.Relationship is Kaveri Water.But"FRIENDSHIP"is pure Rain Water!
New friends may be a poem!But old friends R alphabets..Do not forget alphabets because you will need them to read the poem!
Param mittr, pranam,"Apka sandesh nahi milne se hum ati vichlit hote hain. Kripya apne "Chalit durbhaash yantr" se Laghu Sandesh bhejte rahe"Subha Prabhat*
My Friendship is like an onion, Which has many layers in it, it will add taste to your life, but if you try to cut it, you will have tears in your eyes
I may not be the "Perfect friend" that u r looking for, Not even the "BEST" among others, But surely i'm a friend who always wants 2 see u
Remember 'U', Remember 'S', Put it together and Remember 'US'.
thE tEst oF fRiEndsHip dOseN't cOmeS wHen u R 2GethEr. It cOmEs wHeN u ParT waYs & u ReaLizE tHat dEsPitE tHe dIsTanCe, thE fRiEndshIp iS sTilL tHeRe...
making a million frd is not miracle miracle is to make one frd who will stand by u when millions r against u
god made the world with a heart full of love,then he looked down from heaven above,And saw that we all need a helping hand,some one to share with, who'll understand,he made special people to see us throgh the bad times and the sad times,too;a person on whom we can always depand,someone we can call a friend.
Never say ur happy when ur sad… never say ur fine when ur not ok… never say u feel good when u feel bad… and never say ur alone when I m still alive.