When u r happy

When u r happy
When u r happy u want 2 reach d person u love most. But wen u r sad u want 2 reach d person who loves u most

Jan, 18 2012     109 chars (1 sms)     841 views       Love

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To love someone is devotion! To be loved by someone is a success! To be with someone you love is an achievement! To be with someone who loves you is LIFE!!!
How can u tell the rain not 2 fall wen clouds exist?How can u tell the leaves not 2 fall wen the wind exists?How can u tell me not 2 fall in love wen u exist?
ThousandRaindropsFallsIntoSeaWaterBut SomeDropsOnlyGoesToPEARL...ThatWayIHaveSoManyFriendsInMyLifeButURSpecialOne... .
How about givng ur heart 2 sum1 who wud lov 2 make u happy, who wud love to be loved by u. So how would u feel if i give my heart to U.
miles & tym cnt stp wt we hv. ts a bond dt lsts aftr evrytn els n my lyf hs gone wrng.we myt b bth bc doin wt we hv2do, bt f evr ul nid me, il alwys b arnd 4uÜ
Nvr ask 4a kiss,jus take it. Nvr ask do u Luv me,say i Luv u. Nvr say i cant liv w/out u,say i liv 4u. NOW GO FLIRT,U've been traind by d xpert. Make me proud.
Dreaming of you makes my night worth while. Thinking of you makes me Smile. Having you is the best thing ever & Loving you is what I plan to do forever.
You care for me in all the ways...! I want and need so much...! I have felt your warmth and tenderness with every word and touch...!
2 love sum1 s not a big deal,any layman could do it,but 2 get back the love or 2 be loved by the person u loved,s not easy,u got 2 b lucky n need god's grace
even if £oVe is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a rose that's worth all the pain.
hw wud u knw if a guy truly luvs u its wen u scream he is calm wen u slap him , ` he kises u wen u cry , he hugs u & wen u tell hm u h8 him ,he tels u I LOVE
I luv U 'til the day i die, I luv U'til i break down n cry' I love U and i'll make you see that noone will ever love U' more than ME