Love is like a golden

Love is like a golden
Love is like a golden chain that links our hearts together and if you ever break that chain youll break my heart 4ever!

Jan, 18 2012     119 chars (1 sms)     786 views       Love

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I would never be tired of you even if I am with you all day long. In fact I grow to like you a little more every day. I love you.
if you miss me just touch your heart and you will hear me, and if you really really miss me just close your eyes and you will see me
Never hurt a heart dat loves u,bcoz wounded heart r like crushed flowers dat never bloom again bt leave d perfum 2 d hands who crushed dem
Love does not diminish Or rust and fade with years But gains its strength from time Laughter, joy and tears
I m not d king but I've a rich heart,I'm not d best but I try my best,I may not b right in everythng but I m sure I wasnt wrong in choosing U AS MY love..
closest relationship in the world have fought more battles than the enemies"So keep fighting with loved ones
Dard kya hota hai batayenge kisi roz, ek achchhi si gazal sunayenge kisi roz, udne do parindon ko aazad fizaaon me, agar apne hue tau laut aayenge kisi roz..
People said tha any thing multiplied by zero,it becomes zero.......then why doesnt the same happen when i multiply zero with d distance betwn u n me
When you feel cold and warm at the same time, when you read over the same line for the tenth time, when your heart and thoughts somehow appear to rhyme, and when a simple name conquers your whole mind, then you are in deep trouble my friend… You are “LOVE”, We call it the hard time !!
i love to see you smilem In the lone summer of light And hold you oh so close Underneath the stars at night But there is just one thing Darling through and through Forever I will cherish Every moment with you
Never Let Love gets the best of you.. But U should always try to get the... BEST OF LOVE.. !
For it was not into my ear you whispered - but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed - but my soul.