Some broken hearts

Some broken hearts
Some broken hearts never mend...! Some memories never end...! Some tears will never dry...! But my love for you never dies..

Jan, 18 2012     124 chars (1 sms)     842 views       Love

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2 love sum1 s not a big deal,any layman could do it,but 2 get back the love or 2 be loved by the person u loved,s not easy,u got 2 b lucky n need god's grace
The best part of loving is not wishing that the person loves you as much as you do but in feeling that you love the person far more than you thought you could
i couldn't find a quote sweet enough for u.. all i can find is dis sweet phrase:```i-luv-you!```Dont ask me why...``i just do
Love is possible after friendship but friendship is not possible after love because medicines work before death later nothing can be cured....!!!
Never luk for a Gud Face, it'll turn old one day; Never luk for a Gud Skin, it'll wrinkle one day; But luk for a loyal heart, that'll miss u every day.
I have a heart and that is true, but now it has gone from me to you, so care for it just like i do, cause i have no heart and you have two
i wndr y d strs stl shyn evn f im sad.``i wndr y d birds stl fly evn f i cry.``i wndr y d sun stl smyls evn f im blu.``myb bcz d wrld's telin me i stl hv u.
So Often We Don't Say "I LOVE YOU",because We Fear Losing Someone...But More Often, We Lose them,because We Fear Sayin "I LOVE YOU"..
Everyone wil not get evrything..This is d way of life..Dont try 2 get whch is not urs,But Dont dare 2 lose whch is urs..
my heart`has a`BiG space`4 special people`like u..`if i miss`2 communicate`dont think`ive 4gotten,`coz once`iv placed u`n my heart..`there u'll b stayin 4ever.
D bad tyms can strengthen a relationship if both persons r willing to make a commitment 2 do whatever it takes 2 work on d problems & learn from the bad times
Roses of red grow in my heart and they will never wither... "Cause they bloom every time I see your smile, hear your voice or just think of you! "