There are so

There are so
There are so many people in the world but in my world there’s only one and that’s you!!!

Jan, 18 2012     88 chars (1 sms)     639 views       Love

more Love SMS Messages

Never judge someone by who he's in love with; judge him by his friends. People fall in love with the most appalling people. Take a cool appraising glance at his pals.
2day when i woke up, i was surprised 2 see U outside my house. Bt later i came 2 knw dat it was a lovely rose whose face was resembling U.
In the dreams at least i can say that you are mine this could be my life’s last hope of sunshine.
Realize Things b4 its 2 late.Accept Things Rather Than Deny Them.Love People before u Loose Them..Life comes just once..THINK.
LoVe iS LiKe QuiCkSanD - ThE DeEpEr yOu FaLL iN iT ThE HaRdeR iT iS tO GeT OuT
Luv HURTS when u Breakup with sum1.Hurts more when Sum1 Breaks up with u.BUT Hurts the most when the Person u luv doesn't CARE of being Loved by U.
The Sweetest Way 2 Propose"Excuse Me,Do You Have A Band Aid?Becoz I Hurt My Knee When I Fell In Love With U.."
Men love because they are afraid of themselves, afraid of the loneliness that lives in them, and need someone in whom they can lose themselves as smoke loses itself in the sky.
If i hav 2 describe true love den i would describe it as wt a snowman did 2a snowwoman .He gave her a warm hug n they both melted in each others arm.
its so hard 2 live alone, its hard to choose sum1 u cud luv, bt d hardst part of loving is 2 admit dat uv fallen in luv w/ sum1 u didnt mean 2 luv frm d start
Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true Luv not three, Luv not four Luv d one who luvs u more Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits...
The person whom u love the most breaks ur heart and leavesEven after years wen u see that person,ur heart misses a beat..Hard but TRUE..