As the sky

As the sky
As the sky breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God open the heavens to shower you lots of love and happiness to make your day a meaningful one. Good Morning!

Jan, 13 2012     158 chars (1 sms)     792 views       Friendship

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There are 3 Chambers in My Heart One for my Mum One for my Dad One for God What about U ? Sorry No place for u in my Heart ! ! Because Friends like you are my HEART BEAT
The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.
Love Is like personal dairy Only One Person Can read it... But, Friendship Is library book.. Every 0ne Can read it.. That's Friendship.
Two hearts make frienship, many hearts try to break that friendship, but making or breaking depends on the level which that two hearts beats for each other.
Lips does not join when we say LOVE; Its 'sign of distance' But when we say Friendship, Lips joins. Its 'sign of Togethernes'.......FOREVER.
Be generous and kind, do studies and shine, but remember your friend, who wrote this line.
god made the world with a heart full of love,then he looked down from heaven above,And saw that we all need a helping hand,some one to share with, who'll understand,he made special people to see us throgh the bad times and the sad times,too;a person on whom we can always depand,someone we can call a friend.
Everyone hears what you say... Friends listen to what you say... Best friends listen to what you don't say…
Every garden must have a red rose, every sweet face must have a red cheeks and a good nose, every grass must have a dew, and evey person must have a friend like you.
The Purpose Of Frndship Is Not 2 Hv Some1 Who Might Completely B With U,But 2 Hv Some1 With Whom U Might Share Ur Incompleteness.
Good friends care for each other. Close friends understand each Other. And true friends stay forever beyond words, beyond time.
No gold or precious stones ... give us happiness & peace, friendship & its warmth ... will bring it 2 us ,