SMS Messages445 messages

Life Laughs At u, Wen u r Unhappy, Life Smiles At u wen u r Happy, But Life Salutes u Wen u Make Others Happy..Good Morning
what is the meaning of Sms? share my sweetness. search my soul. seek my sweetheart. succeed my smartNess.see my keep sending smses
I want to send to some thing special to make you smile but post man said I must get out of the post mrng
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping that you have the perfect day. Take care & miss you. Gd morning
We’re not too close in distance. We’re not too near in miles.But text can still touch our hearts and thoughts can bring us smiles.Good morning
The smile is like a simcard and life is like a Cellphone,whenever you insert the Simcard of a smile a beautiful day is activated…
Life is funny and twisted, Some time U laugh, Sometime U Cry, But as long as I'm with you, I'll always be on Ur Lips As a smile rather than a tear in Ur eyes.GD MRNG
Get up from your soft soft bed, open your teeny weeny eyes, wear that jolly wolly smile and say to your self good morning from my side.
the happiness of life is made up of minute fractions ~ a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt complaint, or the little, unforgettable moments of fun.GD MRNG
A Nice Thought- "when we have the heart to forget those who made us smile, why can't we have the heart to forgive someone, who made usCRY.GM
What is the meaning of sms? Share my sweetness, search my soul, seek my sweetheart, succeed my smartnss, see my smile.So keep sending sms…GD DAY
Silence in lips may avoid many problems and smile in lips may solve many problems. So always have a silent smile...