SMS Messages445 messages

Which is the longest word in English...? "Smiles" because there is a 'mile' gap between S & S. So keep smiling forever.GuD MorninG.
Tears R Better Than Smile B'coz,.U Can Smile at Everyone,.But.U'll Cry 4 Only One,.Who is Special 2 ur Heart!GM
Rose is famous 4 GRACE,ADVOCATE is famous 4 his CASE,HORSE is famous 4 his RACE,Bt u r famous 4 ''SMILE'' on ur face...Keep Smiling
A cup of hot hello's, A plate of crispy wishes, A spoon of sweet smiles and A slice of great success, hope this snacks makes ur day lovely colorful morng,
Silence and Smile are two powerful tools.Smile is d way to solve many problems and silence is to avoid them...
Keep the smile. Leave the tear. FeeL the joy. Forget the fear. Hold the laugh. Leave the pain. Be Happy forever..Gud Morng
Thosands of languages around this world,but smile can beat them All.Because SMILE is the language even a baby can speak.So keep smiling.GD MRNG
A Pure HeArted Person CAn HAv Wonderful smile Tht MAkes Evn His Enemy 2 feel guility 4 being his Enemy.So CAtch d World of PeAce Wid urSmile
We r not too close in distance.We r not too near in miles.But text can still touch our heartsandthoughts can bring us smiles.GM
If u MAnAge to Smile at Any Situation,U r the winner of Highest Number of heArts in This world.So ManAge with Smile Anytime nd Anywhere.GM
When it is hard for u to hide ur tears..Then never mind..start choppin an onion..let d heart Cry..u just Smile n blame d onion..G'mrng
If u worry about a trouble it becomes double but when you smile at it. it disapears like a bubble so always smile at ur problem.GM