Shabri has real people with real emotions: Director Lalit Marathe

Posted In : Gossips
(added 26 Aug 2011)

Shabri has real people with real emotions: Director Lalit MaratheThe girl who shot to fame with a sizzling item number in 'Khallas’ in Ram Gopal Verma's Company and acted in films like Kya Kool Hain Hum (2005), and Farhan Akhtar’s Don: The Chase Begins Again (2006) among others, is back in the limelight.This time in a complete deglamourised avatar. Isha will now be seen as female gangster Shabri in Lalit Marathe’s film of the same name. Lalit, who was one of the writers of cult classic Swades (2004), now works as a creative consultant for a television channel. Ask him why Shabri took five long years to see the light of day, he replies with a point blank “I don’t know.” “I think humour is the best way to get by any disappointments or delays. Anybody who saw the film, had good things to say about it, consistently. As it was a job I had taken up, my only guiding light was that the job isn't done until the film is delivered to the theatres. Right now, I’m obsessed with Shabri, it’s almost an intense love affair with my film,” says Lalit, who adores Ram Gopal Varma for mentoring him and giving him the opportunity to tell his story with zilch interference. RGV, also the producer of the film, initially thought the film dealt with an unpalatable subject.

Quiz Isha about Lalit and the praises keep flowing. “Lalit Marathe is a very focused, meticulous director. He’d done his homework thoroughly, lived the characters, lived the film. From the narration that he gave me, I designed this own character in my mind, who I thought was fighting it out in a man’s domain. I shared the vision I had of Shabri with my director and we were very much in sync. He gives you all the freedom to do what you want, but in the end he always had the leash and the ropes in his hands.”

Shabri, Lalit explains, is a fictitious story which has references drawn from his own life. “In my student days, after college I’d park myself at matka dens and that’s what you’ll see in Shabri. I wanted to become a matka don when I grew up. The characters are all real people, I used a lot of my crew members. Real people with real emotions make a film like this work. I strongly identify with Shabri, her brother, the character of Murad as I’ve seen people like them around me.”

So was Isha the first choice to play Shabri? “No,” says Lalit. With much reluctance he reveals that Antara Mali was selected for the role but she “lacked the hunger” required to play Shabri. Hence, Isha was brought on board. While Isha is proud to have played Shabri, she admits it a traumatic experience.

Now that Shabri is finally releasing, is Isha nervous? “Yes, I’m very nervous. This is the first time in my career that I’m carrying a film on my shoulders. I’m not the heroine, but the hero in the film.” The visibly happy Isha credits the release as a blessing that has come after her marriage to long-time boyfriend businessman Timmy Narang in 2009.

She informs us that Lalit is working on the sequel of Shabri, of which she will obviously be a part. “A few narrations have happened but nothing that would feed my hunger, especially after Shabri. I have to convince myself that such roles don’t come by everyday.” Her newly set up hospitality company Soul Konnect is keeping Isha busy these days apart from promotions for Shabri. “I set the company up with my childhood friend. There are other things I’m busy with but can’t talk about right now,” she signs off.

(added 26 Aug 2011) / 1899 views

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