Jackky Bhagnani promotes women power

Posted In : Gossips
(added 24 Aug 2013)

All for a cause: Actor Jackky Bhagnani was greeted with loud cheers when he walked up on the stage at IT College on Friday morning. The actor attended an awareness programme with filmmaker Neeraj Sharma, to promote the Women Power Line 1090 by DIG Navniet Sekera and other team members. "I am close to Navniet and when he got to know that I am in Lucknow, he asked me if I could come for the cause and I immediately agreed. It was a last minute decision," Jackky told us, adding, "It feels great to see the UP police doing something so unique and good for the girls here.

Jackky Bhagnani promotes women power

I am a UP ka boy and it feels wonderful to give back something to the city, even in a small way. If my presence can help create awareness about such a cause, I am all for it!" Girls cheering: The actor couldn't stop blushing seeing so many girls cheering for him. Jackky said he was surprised to see such young and beautiful women cops in UP. "The entire police force in UP is so well dressed. And not just well-dressed, but pretty too," he said pointing out to the team of 1090, which had young girls.

Phool and final: The girls of the college faced a bit of a disappointment as Jackky didn't stay at the event for too long. "I have to rush as I have a flight to catch at 1pm," he said, which was met with a lot of 'awws' and 'oh nos' from the girls. However, the dude promised to give the bouquet of flowers he was given by the college authorities to one of the girls before he left. But before he could do that, the bouquet was snatched away from him by Amina Siddiqui, one of the students at the event. "Please, stay away from these flowers," she said possessively to her friends.

When asked what she will do with the bouquet, she replied, "I have literally snatched these flowers from Jackky and now I will first upload a picture with them on FB and then when they dry up, I will preserve them." I will return: Jackky, who was in the city to finalise the location for his next film to be shot in Lucknow and Kanpur, said he will soon be back for the same project. "Though the project will start in February, I will be here in November again to finalise some more locations for the movie."

(added 24 Aug 2013) / 879 views

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