Nature arms each

Nature arms each
Nature arms each man with some faculty which enables himto do easily some feat impossible to any other.

Jan, 20 2012     103 chars (1 sms)     689 views       Quotes

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A perfect method for adding drama to life is to wait until the deadline looms large.
I hold it to be a proof of great prudence for men toabstain from threats and insulting words toward an enemy, for neither ...diminishes the strength of the enemy; but the one makes him more cautious,and the other increases his hatred of you and makes him
The last function of reason is to recognize that there is an infinity of things which surpass it.
I’mwilling for any solution religious, political. I’m not going to keepoffering to negotiate so much because they turn us down each time. Itindicates a weakness on our part.
An expert is a man, who dosent has all the answers, but he is sure that if that he is given enough money he can find them.
Whospreads, sows; Who listens, reaps.
It isdifficult to negotiate where neither will trust.
Life, Like a child, laughs shaking its rattle of death as it runs.
To rule is not so much a question of the heavy hand as the firm seat.
Character is a by-product; it is produced in the great manufacture of daily duty.
In thefield of observation, chance favors only theprepared minds.
Well-managed,cooperative conflict contributes to the productivity and innovativeness oforganizations and the competence and well-being of people.