My Strength is

My Strength is
My Strength is made perfect in weakness

Jan, 21 2012     39 chars (1 sms)     691 views       Quotes

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Of all human foibles love of living is the most powerful.
Silence is argument carried out by other means.
Nothing so wonderfully concentrates the mind as theprospect of a hanging.
Knowledge leads to unity, ignorance to diversity.
Make the best use of what is in your power, and take therest as it happens.
The nice thing about meditation is it makes doing nothing quite respectable.
When indoubt, ask. When not in doubt, ask. If you are not in doubt, you may bekidding yourself.
Two man looks out through the same bars: the one sees the mud, the one the stars.
Don'thate, it's too big a burden to bear.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
If you are standing upright, don't worry if your shadow is crooked.
All the power that we exercise over others depends on thepower we exercise over ourselves.